Ronny does many things well. A short scroll on his profile page is enough to make your lower jaw inch closer towards the ground. But the thing that stands out to me the most is shapes. He seems to constantly compose with shapes in mind, rectangles, triangles; the mastery and beauty of Ronny’s composition work is a really a thing of true art and skill. This week marks Ronny’s 248th frame!
Name: Ronny Rocket
Current All-Time Streak: 130
Joined 52Frames: Week 7/2020
Your “walk-around” gear right now:
Sony A7c II
The place you call home:
Black Forest and Upper Austria
Your life in 30 words or less
I’m 47 years old and a passionate photographer. I’m also a happy husband, an incredibly proud father of a eight-year-old son and a eleven-year-old daughter, a music addict, runner, swimmer, cyclist and increasingly a triathlete.
Can you share 2 images, one from your past, and one more recent, that show your evolution as a photographer?

What has been your favorite style of shooting lately?
My thing is simply to capture everyday moments in an authentic way and through artistic means, be it through mood, colors, details and perspectives, and always tell a little story about them. It’s all about storytelling… that’s what I’ve loved doing for a few years now and I’m committed to it… it will stay that way.
What was the first photo you ever submitted to 52Frames?

How did you find out about 52Frames?
I owe it to Carolina She brought me here and in my eyes is still one of the most wonderful people I have met in the world wide web!
What submission are you most proud of and why?

Ronny’s work is always inspiring and one of the big reasons that I find 52 Frames so invigorating. The chance to learn both from examining and critiquing his images, and through his generous, thoughtful responses to my own photography have had a huge impact on the evolution of my skills. Ronny’s work has encouraged me to tackle street photography more frequently and, I hope, more successfully. But it’s not the only aspect of my image creation that he has influenced. His compositional skills have changed the way I look at the world around me, particularly when there’s a camera in my hands. I look forward to seeing his photos every week, knowing that I will learn something new and wonderful as a result.
Gregg, what can I say! I’ll give it a try.. a thousand thanks for your words! Means a lot to me!
Amazing work…
Huge thanks, Scott! Much appreciated!
Congrats on the feature! Your work is beauitful.
Thanks a lot, Altine!
I’m a big fan of your work and am always looking forward to what you’ll put out there. Thanks for the inspiration!
Thank you for the kind words, Cristina
Ronny you have an extraordinary talent for photography. It has been a joy to follow you weekly on 52frames. Each week I find myself accurately guessing which photo belongs to you. Your unique style and flair shines through in every photo.
Thanks a lot, Alison! Your words mean a lot to me!
Well deserved spotlight. Amazing photographs!