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Taken by me for Week 48: Nature (2020)
Featured Framer

Meet Sabrina.

Through creative, and often jarring self portraits, Sabrina invites us on her candid journey through the harrowing challenges she’s faced in the last 4 years. An almost 4-year streak is hard for anyone, but when you start to understand Sabrina’s story, as she lays bare each week, you start to realize that it’s nothing short of heroic. This week marks Sabrina’s 212th photo in this project.



Name: Sabrina Penguin

Current All-Time Streak: 143

Joined 52Frames: Week 12 – 2018

Your “walk-around” gear right now:

My Android phone

The place you call home:

Maryland, USA


Your life in 30 words or less


Can you share 2 images, one from your past, and one more recent, that show your evolution as a photographer?

Taken by me for Week 18: Body Parts (2018)
Taken by me for Week 18: Body Parts (2018)
Taken by me for Week 52: Combine three challenges (2021)
Taken by me for Week 52: Combine three challenges (2021)

What has been your favorite style of shooting lately?

Self-portrait photography is my favorite style of shooting. It gives me the ability to express my thoughts, emotions, and experiences through the lens, while also inspiring others to stop, think, or rethink their perspectives – all without the influence of anyone but myself.

Being both subject and photographer helps create powerful, thought-provoking, and emotionally charged images that can resonate with others. It also helps me process difficult situations and emotions.

By capturing moments from my own life and experiences, I can create a narrative that others might relate to and connect with. Plus, it is a way to raise awareness about social issues, promote self-reflection, and spark unexpected conversations.

The power to tell stories, convey messages, and inspire others to think and rethink their perspectives on life, love, and the human experience is invaluable – and that power lies within self-portrait photography.

What was the first photo you ever submitted to 52Frames?

Taken by me for Week 12: Black and White (2018)
Taken by me for Week 12: Black and White (2018)

How did you find out about 52Frames?

Another photographer suggested I join 52Frames.

What submission are you most proud of and why?

Taken by me for Week 10: Abandoned (2020)
Taken by me for Week 10: Abandoned (2020)

This self-portrait was submitted March 8, 2020 – one week after my kids and I became unhoused. It feels like this week will forever be embedded in my head, almost in slow motion, as one of the most difficult trials of my life to date.

The growth and courage it took to know I needed to go back to what makes my soul feel alive (creating creative self-portraits, in this case), and then to take action to actually do it, is immeasurable.

For being able to do what I needed to do in order to survive upheaval and turmoil, I am proud of this photo.

For sparking my return to 52 frames after a hiatus, in what has now become a nearly-four-year-streak with this incredible group, I am most proud of this photo.

For showing parts of truest myself, which I had spent too much of my life hiding, I am most proud of this photo.

For my progress as a photographer and model, which include learning how to edit and pose, I am most proud of this photo.

And, for being a visual reminder to myself to take time to feel alive, I am most proud of this photo.

One tip you’d like to share?

Be grateful for everything – for every seeming mistake, for every wrong turn, for change, for things you take for granted, for struggle, for the worst of the worst, for the good, the bad, the ugly – be grateful for everything.

Why is 52Frames meaningful to you?

52frames is meaningful to me because it is, has, or encourages:

Personal growth
Skill development
Embracing failure
To be personally challenged
To be artistically challenged
To push limits
Reminder of my ability to be consistent
Inspiring others to pursue their passions
Portfolio building
Expand boundaries
Like-minded individuals
Supportive, safe environment
Shared purpose
Sharing knowledge
Learning from others
Artistic freedom
Artistic development
Artistic challenge
Sparking social change
Self-Expression and creativity
Experimenting with different techniques and styles
Having a creative outlet
Expressing emotions and thoughts
A way to gain a better understanding of onesself
Documentation of life experiences and preservation of memories
A reminder of growth and progress over time
A way to help overcome difficult situations and big emotions (as a coping mechanism)
Expanding knowledge and expertise
Fostering empathy and understanding
Encouraging mindfulness and self-reflection
Routine and discipline
Inspiring others to pursue their passions
Supporting mental health and well-being
New ideas, concepts, and perspectives
Expanding one’s sense of possibility and potential
Encouraging a life-long love of learning and growth

To view Sabrina’s profile on 52Frames, click here:

To support Sabrina on her journey, you can check out her Patreon page.

2 Comment

  1. Gosh. Not only are your images beautiful, but you are incredibly inspiring. I relate to so much of what you write and can really feel the emotions you are trying to portray. Well done Sabrina.

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