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Taken for Week 1 Self Portrait (2019)
Featured Framer

Meet Carol.

Carol’s portfolio showcases an impressive range of work, from breathtaking macro shots to intricate setups, as well as vibrant and dynamic captures of everyday life. Her commitment to each and every frame is evident, as she consistently delivers high-quality images that truly captivate.


Name: Carol Chafetz

Current All-Time Streak: 317; 6X Weekly Warrior

Joined 52Frames: February 2017

Your “walk-around” gear right now:

Sony a7IV; 50mm lens; Sony RX100 VI and various full frame lenses

The place you call home:

Sarasota, Florida

Your life in 30 words or less

Wife, mother, grandmother, friend, golfer and photographer seeking to improve my connection with the world and people. I love to pause and view the ever-changing world as it might look in a photograph. That momentary vision is a goal to bring to life; that is what keeps me shooting and keeping my six year streak.

Can you share 2 images, one from your past, and one more recent, that shows your evolution as a photographer?

2017 Week 41: Food Photography
2017 Week 41: Food Photography
2022 Week 46: Food Photography
2022 Week 46: Food Photography

What has been your favorite style of shooting lately?

My favorite styles have changed. Lately I’ve been shooting flowers again to better learn macro photography and to work on layering techniques for flower transparency. At my core, I prefer documentary/street, black and white, minimalism and intentional camera movement.

What was the first photo you ever submitted to 52Frames?

2017 Week 10: Pattern
2017 Week 10: Pattern

How did you find out about 52Frames?

I had encouraged my stepdaughter framer, Rena Chafetz Knopf, to go on a photowalk in downtown Memphis. She called me to report on how it went and someone there told her about 52Frames. She said she was joining and suggested I join.

What submission are you most proud of and why?

2019 Week 33: Night Photography
2019 Week 33: Night Photography

I love documentary photography of real life events, and in art I love Edward Hopper. As I mentioned earlier, I visualize scenes as they might look in a photograph. It was raining when I drove to this fishing pier. When I saw the people, I thought “Hopper” and ventured out to capture it in the rain. While I received good feedback in 52Frames it didn’t make 52 Picks but I was very happy with it. Within a week I became even more proud! I posted it on a photography website that is often frequented by famous photographers and received this personal note from a photographer I love, Sam Abell. Here’s the note:

Hi Carol,
It’s nice to meet you, read about your life in photography and, especially, to see your evocative image of the fishing pier at night. There is a rare ‘Edward Hopper’ atmosphere to the image. I say ‘rare’ because the Hopper-esque mood is something that I (and numerous other photographers) strive to express in our work. But it is an evanescent atmosphere that is hard to render in a photograph. But you have done it. Congratulations! – Sam Abell

One tip you’d like to share?

Don’t delete your alternate submission shots. Keep them and go back to them later and you may find some that are worth editing or using in some other way. Because I’m a hobbyist, I would delete many good alternates and move on to the next challenge without reconsidering their merits. I know better now, but I admit I still need to work on organizing my catalogs!

Why is 52Frames meaningful to you?

52Frames is meaningful to me in so many ways. Firstly, it has It kept me making photos. Secondly the challenges are the only way that I might have tried different types of photography, since it pushes me out of my comfort zone. While I often do fret and complain about certain challenges (e.g. self-portrait and portrait of a stranger), it’s fun! I’ve also embraced imperfection and see the beauty in my photographic journey as progress, not perfection. I’ve been honored to have been recruited to be the team volunteer who manages the 52F Photographers Facebook page banners and the banner pickers. I love working with the framers who volunteer to do this. It lets me be in touch with 52 different people each year. Having been a whittling committee volunteer in the past, I know how long it takes to mindfully go through the entire album and I’m grateful for their hard work. Lastly, I’ve made some great friendship in my mini-groups and have been fortunate to meet up with some of them near and far.

To view Carol’s profile on 52Frames, click here:

16 Comment

  1. Hi Carol, your pursuit of improving your connection with the world and people through photography is inspiring. WOW! Six-year streak is a testament to your perseverance and love for photography. Keep shooting and sharing your unique perspective with the world! Congratulations once again on your outstanding work.

  2. Hi Carol, it’s so nice to learn more about you and your journey as a photographer. Congratulations on your achievements. Your photos are quite inspiring.

  3. Thank you for sharing. I enjoy taking in your photos. I’m curious to hear how you’ve used your alternative shots. You definitely make me think. 🙂

    1. Hi Angela. Thank you! I’ve kept alternative shots to use practice editing if they weren’t great or if they were good but didn’t fit the theme as well, I’ve used them in non-52Frames groups or for personal use.

  4. Hello Carol…nice to read about your photography journey and to get to know you. You have inspired me to look closer at the level of my involvement in photography and 52Frames.

    1. Hi Sheila, Thanks for your support! I saw elsewhere that you’re a Florida Framer too. And you posted something about an event at Myakka that I’m interested in. Maybe we will meet up someday!

  5. Carol … I have enjoyed your photos since first seeing your work in our mini-group. Your critiques of my photos are incredibly helpful to me. You are an inspiration to all of us. And, your photography is wonderful.

    1. Gee Spiff thank you so much! Your humor in your photography and in your camaraderie have helped me! Sorry it took so long to find these comments and reply!

  6. Hello Carol.

    To use fishing terminology (although I don’t actually fish):

    1) You hooked me at golf and photography – when the weather’s good, I have an inner battle on whether I pick up my golf bag or camera bag.

    2) You landed me with that Hopper inspired photo. I think it’s ABSOLUTELY STUNNING. I honestly can’t believe that it didn’t win that week, let alone even make the 52 picks. I’ve sent a follow request on Instagram based on that one photo – I’m hoping to see more like it.

    Inspirational dedication to photography and ‘framing’ every week!

    1. Fran, thanks so much for the kind words! I apologize for not replying to comments. I just happened upon them tonight! I’ll go to instagram to make sure I follow you too. There are so many emotional parallels in how I feel about golf and photography!

  7. Carol, congrats on being highlighted! I always love your photos and appreciate your feedback. Keep up the great work!

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