Sam’s approach to 52Frames, and her creativity in general, is mindblowingly inspirational. From ethereal, to raw, to zany, Sam’s visual delights are a treat each week. Sam weaves color, light, and story in every frame to perfect balance, and has taken on an even more daunting challenge of including herself in every single photo!
Name: Sam Breach
Current All-Time Streak: 100!
Joined 52Frames: January 2021
Your “walk-around” gear right now:
Walking around just an iphone 13, but for photography I use a Canon 5D mark III, Profoto B1 strobes and the one thing I could not live without: a Camranger.
The place you call home:
I’m a British immigrant to Oakland, California
Your life in 30 words or less
My mum wouldn’t let me do art at school, “you can’t get a job with art”, she said. So without artistic credentials I embarked on a creative life and proved her wrong many times over.
Can you share 2 images, one from your past, and one more recent, that shows your evolution as a photographer?

What has been your favorite style of shooting lately?
I love the technical aspect of photography as much as the creative side. I am a photo editor for my day job, commercial retouching for a skin care company, so at weekends I really love to get away from the computer and more into the practical, physical side of photography. Although at the heart of most of my images there is a strong conceptual story going on, I also love to experiment and play with interesting techniques in tandem. I use myself as a model so often because I have inexhaustible patience for the process which other people rarely seem to share.
What was the first photo you ever submitted to 52Frames?

How did you find out about 52Frames?
I think I saw a random mention of it in an instagram post.
What submission are you most proud of and why?

I had this false perspective idea rolling around in my head for a while and so when this 52Frames challenge theme came up it gave me impetus to get it out of my head and make it a reality I took a deep breath and committed to doing the work to make it happen. I shared a blog post on how it was created here. I am proud that I had a clear vision and was able to follow it through to fruition.
One tip you’d like to share?
Be obtuse. Think outside the box. When the challenge is ‘depth of field’ stop and think beyond shallow. Go deeper than your first thought. Attempting to mimic photographic cliches can be useful for learning, but do at least try and add your own twist to the proceedings.
Why is 52Frames meaningful to you?
I am not sure, but I think I may be one of the few active 52framers whose entire catalog of ongoing submissions is entirely self portraits, every week, without fail? I am hoping to make it to at least 100 and then I may reconsider my subject matter. I started 52Frames during the pandemic lockdown, therefore using only myself as a model. Although I have been doing self portraits regularly for over a decade, with 52F it’s become a more disciplined practice, ensuring I carve out the time to create a photograph every week. It’s not really safe where I live to be out and about with camera equipment so unless I am traveling I create all my images at home and I love the extra challenge that presents with some of the themes. I do not think of 52Frames as a place for sharing my finest work, I think of it as a playground for experimentation and testing proof of concept and that is what I love about it.
To view Sam’s profile on 52Frames, click here:

Your work is so very creative and out of the box Sam. I love it.
Thank you Lanie – the feeling is quite mutual – I love your work too 💗
This is so great, love reading about the other framers we are all sharing with. I’d be happy to do one of these one day too!
Great idea🏆 sharing talented from the Fram 52 group.
This is how you learn to meet new members of the group and get inspired. Thank you !
Sam, your work and advice are inspirational. Some weeks, my reaction to the challenge is a ‘have to.’ You’re making me rethink this. Your commitment to the constant self-portrait is mind-blowing.
There is always a bit of ‘have to’ contained with the discipline of a weekly self commitment, but I find if I approach it as something I am genuinely curious about or if I can use it as a way to express myself then it doesn’t seem like a chore. Thank you for your kind words – I hope you feel a bit more excited about future submissions!
Loved reading about you and your creative processes Sam, your love of photography shines through! Can relate to the reason why you mainly do or started doing self portraits! Love your images in 52 Frames and thanks for sharing your thoughts!
I do really love it and it sounds like you do too! A kindred spirit!! Thank you!