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Warrior, Self-Portait Week 1, 2021
Featured Framer

Meet Susan.

Name: Susan Steen

Current All-Time Streak: 327

Joined 52Frames: October 2015

Your “walk-around” gear right now:

Pixel 6 Pro and Sony a6000 (it can be tossed in my bag)

The place you call home:

Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Your life in 30 words or less

Human, Wife, Mother/Mother-in-law, Daughter, Friend, Caregiver, Non-fiction Reader, Non-fiction Writer, lover of people, 52Frames peacemaker and hope giver, drinker of coffee, scotch, wine, dark beer, and cold clean water.

Can you share 2 images, one from your past, and one more recent, that shows your evolution as a photographer?

Week 5: Levitation (2016)
Week 5: Levitation (2016)
Week 30: Distorted (2021)
Week 30: Distorted (2021)

What has been your favorite style of shooting lately?

I love learning new things, so pretty much shooting with my daughter-in-law is my favorite style. She has a more creative eye and pulls me to look at things differently. I might not always go with what I tried with her, but those are the shots that lead me to be braver in the shots to follow. It feels so good to get out of my head.

What was the first photo you ever submitted to 52Frames?

Week 1: Self Portrait (2016)
Week 1: Self Portrait (2016)

How did you find out about 52Frames?

Short answer: Les Goldschmidt. Longer answer: a strange man saw me walking with my big camera and lens in the Highline in NY and asked if I was there for the photo walk. I wasn’t, but I did as he suggested & checked out the group on FB. 3 months later…

What submission are you most proud of and why?

Week 44: Shot With a Phone (2021)
Week 44: Shot With a Phone (2021)

So pleased that I could take several photos shot with my phone and get the photo I wanted — the one where everyone looks at the camera. I spent a lot of time in Photoshop matching body parts and bricks on the wall to combine two or three photos. I just felt so accomplished.. I’m sure it isn’t perfect, but for me, it was a huge deal. I also am super proud of the photo from Week 30, Distorted (above) because I tried the Pep Ventosa method of shooting and editing, and I learned SO much. Even Pep seemed to think I did ok.

One tip you’d like to share?

Did you say Three?

1. Yosef is smarter than you might think. I never would have thought his constant reminding me to Get Low would matter, but it really does. It’s one of the most useful things I’ve learned. That and

2. Seek out the feedback of Framers you admire.

3. Don’t sell yourself short. Just because you aren’t in 52Picks or Top 3 doesn’t mean you aren’t an amazing photographer. Trust that you are growing. Enjoy it!

Why is 52Frames meaningful to you?

For the most part, this community is full of people who want to help each other. Almost never will you find a Framer being haughty, but instead, typically humble. This place is how I would like to see the world — representing many walks of life, many age groups, many belief systems, yet able to share with and support each other.

Obviously, in my role with which Yosef has gifted me, I spend a great deal of time hearing people’s stories, their struggles, and their joys. I love that I am in a position to be a positive presence in someone’s day.

I am grateful for so many friendships I’ve developed as well as witnessed in this sacred (to me) space.

To view Susan’s profile on 52Frames, click here:

26 Comment

  1. I love this write up and finding out extra stuff about Susan. The photos included are all so beautiful!

    1. I had no idea comments were left, so a year later, Thank you!
      I agree. It is nice to know what drives the others!
      Thanks, Mary.

  2. Susan has been the glue that keeps the 52Frames community together and an inspiration outside the Framer community too. I love seeing her insights on Insta and her beautiful creations through her lens.

    1. I had no idea comments were left, so a year later, Thank you, Glen. I’m missing your weekly photos, but I love all you bring to the table to challenge the rest of us still.

    1. I had no idea comments were left, so a year later, Thank you!
      I try to be what everyone needs, but your word is a great one to strive for! 🙂

  3. Susan is a rockstar! She has so much energy, brings joy and a curious mind to life. I’ve been fortunate to rely on her guidance and friendship. Framers like her keep me engaged.

    1. I had no idea comments were left, so a year later, Thank you!
      And thank you for being a good friend to me.

  4. Oh yeah! I forgot to mention that I didn’t know that Les Goldschmidt was the person who caught her on the Highline! Great serendipitous story!

  5. Thank you, Susan, for sharing your “52 Frames” journey with us. And also, for being such as amazing part of 52 Frames.

    1. What a wonderful peace maker you are too. Always ready with calming words. One of my fav things about 52 frames is how it is a culture of building people up – not knocking them down – and much of that is due to you!

      1. I had no idea comments were left, so a year later, Thank you! I hope I always make you feel that way.

  6. Thank you Susan for all you do for the 52F family and have done to support my 52F journey. This place would never be the same without you.

    1. I had no idea comments were left, so a year later, Thank you!
      And I feel the same way about your presence!

  7. Thanks for all you do for us Susan and for creating an atmosphere of caring, patience and good will!

  8. I’m inspired. Thank you, I loved the story. Wow, I just became Facebook friends with Lee after being interested in Framing walks in Florida and New York. I love how broadly communal this group is.

    1. I had no idea comments were left, so a year later, Thank you!
      And I’m so glad you’ve gotten to know Les!

    1. I had no idea comments were left, so a year later, Thank you! I loved having you whittle! Feel free to jump in again. 🙂

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