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Taken by me for Week 1: Self Portrait (2022)
Featured Framer

Meet Chris.

Name: Chris Maul

Current All-Time Streak: 111

Joined 52Frames: 2020

Your “walk-around” gear right now:

Canon EOS-R with a Canon 24-70 2.8

The place you call home:

Hattiesburg, Mississippi

Your life in 30 words or less

Photographer, musician, educator, author, outdoor lover, husband and father. There is nothing I love more than capturing moments on film. Some may be happy and some may be sad. It’s the compilation of all of these moments in time that make us who we are.

Can you share 2 images, one from your past, and one more recent, that shows your evolution as a photographer?

Jenny in 2009 - Probably some of my first studio lighting attempts
Jenny in 2009 – Probably some of my first studio lighting attempts
Jenny 2022 - Studio photo from my recent project; "What's Your Story?"
Jenny 2022 – Studio photo from my recent project; “What’s Your Story?”

What has been your favorite style of shooting lately?

Lately it has been studio work. Shooting headshots in the studio, which is funny because that was my least favorite thing to do for the longest time. I think my lighting and my style has changed over the years to something that I feel is more me. I think that we as photographers and artist strive to find our own style and look that make us a little different from everyone else. I would have never guessed that I would find that in the studio. I am sure you can see the many different photographers that have influenced my work. I just hope that the combination of all of them makes people look at my photos and know that they are mine.

What was the first photo you ever submitted to 52Frames?

Week 1: Self Portrait (2020)
Week 1: Self Portrait (2020)

How did you find out about 52Frames?

I had a friend that told me about this project and said that I should give it a look.

What submission are you most proud of and why?

Week 36: Combine 3 Challenges (2020)
Week 36: Combine 3 Challenges (2020)

This was not an easy choice, but I have to say that this was probably one of my most proud moments, at least for 2020. This was a compilation of multiple adjustment layers and photos all into one. This was my first real try at putting together a composite photo. Each person was photographed at different times and placed into this composite. I had to google and YouTube a lot to make this all work. Also, the depression on my face was real at the time that I took this picture. I remember struggling with being newly sober, finding out that my dad was not doing well and dealing with a lot of mental issues at the time. I am glad that I captured that here. Like I said before. I like to capture the highs and lows of life. Lastly, I am proud of this because of the song that it relates to. A song by my favorite band, The Avett Brothers. The song is called “The Fire” If you sit back and look at this picture while you listen to the song, you can see the story in all of their eyes as they look into the fire. Looking back there are a lot of things that I would do differently with this edit, but I am proud of how it turned out.

One tip you’d like to share?

Keep on shooting! Don’t ever give up. The more mistakes you make, the more you learn. Sometimes some of the best photos come from the mistakes that you make when taking them.

Why is 52Frames meaningful to you?

It makes me love photography again. This project takes me away from the daily photos that I take for clients and makes me look for the artistic quality of what I am shooting. This is something I stopped doing because I wanted to simply please my clients. Once a week I learn something new, I get to create, and I remember exactly why I started taking pictures in the first place.

To view Chris’s profile on 52Frames, click here:

3 Comment

  1. Chris, my name is also Chris. First, I want to acknowledge the growth in your artistic capability and second, the growth in your humanity. Both come through here. Your courage in acknowledging your struggles with sobriety and loss are an inspiration to all artists trying to catch hold of the rough and elusive process of acknowledging the essential truths in their lives. I wonder for how many of us 52Frames is a form of group therapy, simply because we share a commitment to our art and support one another to get better at it… Thanks, Man!

  2. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching your photographic journey Chris. Thanks for sharing your talent, your story and the story of others.

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