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Steve Allingham - Week 13: Line from a Song (2020)
Featured Framer

Meet Steve.

Name: Steve Allingham

Current All-Time Streak: 128

Joined 52Frames: May 2019

Your “walk-around” gear right now:

Canon 5D MK III

Canon Rebel XT converted to B&W Infrared.

Carl Zeiss manual-focus/manual exposure lenses

The place you call home:

Eau Claire, WI

Your life in 30 words or less

I’m a single dad with a 16-year-old son and I work for an auto dealership selling high-end luxury cars and sports cars. I love photography, especially B&W infrared photography!

Can you share 2 images, one from your past, and one more recent, that shows your evolution as a photographer?

Taken by me for Week 42: Architecture (2019)
Taken by me for Week 42: Architecture (2019)
Taken by me for Week 21: Portrait (2021)
Taken by me for Week 21: Portrait (2021)

What has been your favorite style of shooting lately?

Most definitely infrared photography. I’ve been shooting it for 30 years, first with Kodak IR film, and later with an older Canon Rebel XT converted to infrared. I love B&W in general, but I especially love how infrared renders scenes.

What was the first photo you ever submitted to 52Frames?

Taken by me for Week 34: Fork (2019)
Taken by me for Week 34: Fork (2019)

How did you find out about 52Frames?

A good friend had been bugging me to join for almost a year.

What submission are you most proud of and why?

Taken by me for Week 22: Wide Angle (2021)
Taken by me for Week 22: Wide Angle (2021)

My very first Top 3 photo! I just love infrared and am pleased with how my photo turned out.

One tip you’d like to share?

Shelve your zoom lenses and switch to top-quality prime lenses! The best prime lens on an average camera will typically capture better images than cheap lenses on a great camera! Better yet, switch to manual focus/manual exposure prime lenses, because…

Tip #2 – slow down! Think about the challenge and how you can meet it. Be intentional with your photography, and don’t be afraid to look up ideas online. Try new things, and if a photo doesn’t work, chalk it up as a valuable experience and try something else.

Last tip! Don’t apologize for your photo submission because you had no time to be creative – own it and move on!

Why is 52Frames meaningful to you?

love 52Frames – it’s been a much-needed bright light in a very stressful couple of years for me. If it weren’t for committing to the weekly challenges and later reading the helpful critiques and kind words of other framers, life would be a lot harder. I also love that 52Frames is an international group – it lets me see the world through the eyes of other photographers – how cool is that?!

To view Steve’s profile on 52Frames, click here:

7 Comment

  1. Really interesting and my New 52 frames resolution is: “Don’t apologize for your photo submission because you had no time to be creative – own it and move on!”

  2. Steve is definitely an inspiration to me, a newbie—especially given some things we share in common: fellow Wisconsinite; love of B&W and IR with both film and converted digital; and passion for experimenting with vintage prime lenses on my digital equipment (easier than many people think—and WAY less expensive!). He’s convinced me to undertake this week’s B&W challenge with IR!

  3. Very inspiring collection of photos. Have been thinking of purchasing a prime lens definitely on my shopping list now, also will take on board the don’t apologize tip you are right own it and move on !!!

  4. Terrific bio! And the best bio photo ! I think it’s fun when you connect with someone over a photograph especially when there’s more than 2,000 in the album. I remember when we crossed paths over taking self portraits in a snowy forest with blue jackets on and ski goggles 😂 You have a great body of work. Happy shooting.

  5. Wonderful to meet you Steve! Very interesting portfolio of photos. I like your tips and the infrared shots, which is something I’ve never tried. I have only one prime lens…50mm…which I really like. Hoping to purchase another in future.

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