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self portrait 2020
Featured Framer

Meet Lanie

Name: Lanie Klein

Current Streak: 298 (approximately)

Joined 52Frames: April 2015

Your “walk-around” gear right now:
Olympus E-M5 Mark II

The place you call home:
Jerusalem, Israel

Your life in 30 words or less

Happily teaching Pilates in Jerusalem. Mother of 4 and grandmother to several. Started learning photography about 6 years ago after having been the person who always forgot to bring batteries or film. I am mostly self taught and am more or less a perpetual student, always trying to learn and improve.

Can you share 2 images, one from your past, and one more recent, that shows your evolution as a photographer?

Photo Credit: Lanie Klein – Week 6: Levitation (2016)
Photo Credit: Lanie Klein – Week 48: Nature (2020)

What has been your favorite style of shooting lately?

I am more and more drawn to portraits, both animate and inanimate, as well as to composites. Recently I’ve started toning my images, which adds a whole other dimension for me.

What was the first photo you ever submitted to 52Frames?

Photo Credit: Lanie Klein – sometime in 2015

How did you find out about 52Frames?

A friend told me about it.

What submission are you most proud of and why?

Photo Credit: Lanie Klein – Week 47: Circle (2020)

This photo brings together for me many of the skills I’ve learned over the years. It’s a photo which I was able to take from conception to execution, using compositing and toning to achieve the look I had in my head for the image.

One tip you’d like to share?

The thing that I think that is most helpful for me is just to get out there and keep doing it consistently. And to try to learn something new each week.

Why is 52Frames meaningful to you?

This project took me from knowing just a little bit about photography and gave me the framework to create each week in a supportive community and develop my skills. It encouraged me to be consistent, which would certainly not have been the case without the project. Also, the critiques by Yosef and by the community have helped me to develop and to grow.

To view Lanie’s profile on 52Frames, click here:

15 Comment

  1. I loved reading Lanie’s story. In many ways she sounds a lot like me. I am just beginning in 52 frames and hopefully will stay with it as long as Lanie has. I found her tip to ‘get out there and shoot consistently and to keep learning’ something I need to do as I am easily discouraged and need to stay motivated. That is definitely the main reason I joined 52 Frames. It’s motivating as well as challenging, I need that. Especially with this lockdown.

  2. Beautiful! Wonderful to meet and learn a bit more about you and your beautiful skill, Lanie! I look forward for more artwork from you!

  3. Your work is fabulous! I too am self taught. Looking at your work gives me hope and inspiration. I want to learn more about my camera (canon EOS Rebel T3) and how to manage using the manual settings. Love and Light

  4. Your work is fabulous! I too am self taught. Looking at your work gives me hope and inspiration. I want to learn more about my camera (canon EOS Rebel T3) and how to manage using the manual settings. Love and Light

  5. I’ve been following Lanie’s work for a while on 52Frames. I can’t tell you what it is about her work, but I can usually recognize one of Lanie’s images before I read her name. But her work almost always evokes some emotion from me, and has encouraged me to keep trying to do the same with my work.

  6. Hello Lanie,
    I love you creative photos ad look forward to many more.
    I am very much a amateur and have much to learn.
    I love capturing the beauty God created for us and sharing it with overs on social media.


  7. Hello Lanie,
    I love your creative photos ad look forward to many more.
    I am very much a amateur and have much to learn.
    I love capturing the beauty God created for us and sharing it with overs on social media.


  8. I am bowled over by Lanie’s artistic talent.
    I have watched as her skill, her keen eye , her versatility, and imagination have been instrumental in creating these
    beautiful works of art.
    I share in Lanie’s choice othe the Circle as her favourite price.
    I look forward to seeing more of Lanie’s works in the future.

  9. Lanie has been an inspiration to me since I joined in 2017. In addition to the styles she said she loved, she’s a wonderful street photographer!

  10. Laine, you are a very professional photographer, amazing that you just started six years ago (approx), very inspirational for someone like myself who just started. Your photos have a real ‘feel’ to them. I like your creative ideas around the subject matter, they have an interesting twist or surprise to them. Enjoy looking at your photos.

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